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Jamila Al Housani

My Name is Jamila and I am a Multimedia designer. I am a passionate professional specializing in creating beautiful, usable and relatable content, from branding to promotional marketing content On this website, I am sharing my expertise, learning path, resources and reading list as a Multimedia Designer with more than 5 years of professional experience. My passion is bringing ideas to life by directing and producing motion videos, printed collaterals and other types of design outlets, as well as 3D design using Cinema 4d & developing video games using Unity 3D.

Kaleam, an Arabic Calligraphy Digital Platform

Have you ever wanted to create your own Arabic calligraphy? Maybe a client has requested hand-lettering but you lack the expertise to do it. Is hiring a calligraphist over your budget? Are you a calligraphist yourself and would like to know how to digitize your work? Kaleam is the platform for you.
Pantone Colors

Why you should start using Pantone System now!

Pantone Color Institute is globally famous for its color expertise. It provides color insights, and collaborates with brands and designers in building color strategies to suit their needs. It introduced a unique tool to help clients choose colors and use them around the world.